Thursday, November 26, 2015

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Thank you very much for reading my post

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Free Download PC Development Software Sweet Home 3D

Hello Everybody today I am going to share a Software for Science & Engineering -Development Software.It is Sweet Home 3D. This Sweet Home 3D is an interior design application that helps you to quickly draw the floor plan of your house, arrange furniture on it, and visit the results in 3D. So Free Download this Software Thank yui......

Friday, October 23, 2015

Free Download PC Software Notepad++ Python Script

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Free Download Facebook Game Wholesaler

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

final suggestion ssc

Final Suggestion 

SSC Examination-2012

English 1st paper

Seen Part:

1. It was the eve of ............ a current news program.(U-7,L-3)

2. The national memorial ............ (U-14, L-1)

3. In the mid 15th centre (U-14, L-2)

4. In accordance with a ......... (U-18,L-2)

5. Thousand of people .........  ( U-22, L-6)

6. Feroza’s childhood ........... ( U-10,L-7)

7. Masum felt a little .........( U-19,L-4)

8. The UNESCO has ........

9. Waste can have used .......

10. Strategy is an ......... (U-15,L-7)

11. The first thing is that teaching .......

12. Very few people realize that .........

13. Shat Gombuj Mosque

14. Statue of liberty

15. The first think that


1. Environment pollution(Air, water, sound) ***

2. School Magazine

3. Wedding ceremony

4. picnic

5. Qualities of a good teacher.

6. Your favorite  teacher.

7. A book fair

8. A reading room.

9. Mobile phone


1. Write a letter to your friend/brother/father about your aim in life.

2. Write a letter to your friend  to invite a picnic.

3. Write a letter to your friend about an accident.

4.  Write a letter to your friend expressing your condolence at his father’s/mother’s death.

5. Write a letter to your friend about your country / Native village.

6. Write a letter to your friend/brother advising him to reading newspaper / benefits of reading newspaper

7. Write a letter to your friend describing the annual prize giving ceremony of your school.

8. Write a letter to your friend describing  picnic.

9. Write a letter to your friend/brother about the bad effect of smoking.

10. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him for his brilliant success.

11. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for birthday present.


Pretreated by
Advance English Teaching Center
Mohi Uddin 

BA(Hons) in English
Govt KC College, Jhenaidah

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